Preparing for the future
by working together and sharing knowledge

The Upper Beult Farmer Cluster brings farmers together to help shape and support more sustainable farming. Supported by Kent Wildlife Trust and Southern Water, the cluster encourages farmer-to-farmer learning and development by sharing skills, knowledge and resources.

Clusters are farmer-led, with members deciding which projects to undertake

Members are currently exploring a range of on-farm projects to improve the landscape for the people and wildlife of Kent. The cluster partner is Southern Water.

Collective goals include more sustainable use of pesticides and the improvement of water quality in the catchment. Also in partnership with Kent Wildlife Trust, the cluster aims to restore habitats and support the trust’s rewilding projects.

Project carried out by member of Upper Beult Farmer cluster, man looking in grass at wildflowers

The Benefits of Joining the Farmer Cluster

Accessing expert support for grant applications and
special funding for members

Shaping what happens in the River Beult catchment
with farmer-led initiatives

Developing knowledge through skill-sharing

Reducing isolation by working as part of a larger group

Improving water quality in the catchment

Restoring and creating habitats to increase agricultural
resilience whilst reducing reliance on chemical inputs

Providing the opportunity to shape agri-environmental
policy, both at local and regional levels

Land Holdings within the Upper Beult Farmer Cluster

Map showing land holding within the Upper Beult Farmer Cluster area

The farmer cluster has access to funding for specific cluster initiatives, with grants awarded at the discretion of
Southern Water.

Advice and support for grant applications is available to members, as well as timely notification of new government funding and initiatives. Trusted working relationships are developed between cluster members through a programme of training, events and regular meetings.

The cluster receives support and advice from a Farmer Cluster Officer at Kent Wildlife Trust. Cluster Officers facilitate meetings and carry out farm visits, becoming a trusted advisor to members.

Farmer Cluster Officers also deliver training to help members shape their farming practices to drive a more sustainable
and resilient future.

Are you interested in becoming an

Upper Beult Farmer Cluster member?

Why not apply for membership?

Without doubt farming and the environment are facing unprecedented challenges with providing sustainable, low cost food at the same time as replenishing soil health and ecological wellbeing. 

At Stonehall Farm we are undertaking projects to enhance our soil health by rotating cover crops, providing better ecology for wildlife through extensive buffer strips and contributing to flood mitigation with a network of leaky dams. There is so much to learn so the opportunity, through the cluster group, to collaborate with other farmers, landowners and stakeholders is invaluable.

Will Samuelson

Stonehall Farm, Ulcombe.