Owl Box Checks in the Cluster
I have been out recently with Chas Holt checking the barn owl boxes that were purchased for members last year. Chas is fully qualified to check these boxes and carry out bird ringing, so it was great to get a chance to watch!
The results are now in of the findings! Only one so far appears to have housed a barn owl and unfortunately, we could not do any ringing as they had already fledged! Though the others weren’t hosting owls they still were supporting wildlife which included stock doves and a squirrel! Not quite what we were after.
Chas did however get an opportunity to ring some barn owls! Frenchay Farm have a barn owl box provided by the cluster, and an existing box in a barn. This second box did in fact have a resident barn owl on eggs in the process of hatching!
Chas ringed the mother on our first visit and then we returned this week to ring the owlets.